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  • Subject is exactly "The Weaver sculpture by Daniel Chester French"

Shows The Weaver with green patina, prior to its 2002 conservation

weaver morning shot.jpg
The Weaver in morning sun

Shows a close up front view of the monument

The Weaver is shown at an angle from the left side

This image shows The Weaver, the Library, the benches, and the rhododendrons

This image shows The Weaver's proximity to the Library

Front view of The Weaver with female figures in sunlight

Front view of The Weaver, afternoon sun

weaver and lawn.jpg
The Weaver is shown in the context of the Peace Dale Library lawn.

weaver all figures closer up.jpg
Partial view of all 3 figures in the sculpture

This image shows the central figure handing spun thread to the weaver, with lines of verse in stone above

Names and dates of the sculpture's dedicatees carved into stone below the bronze

Male figure seated at loom

female figure in center.jpg
Shows female figure holding a distaff and handing spun thread to the seated weaver figure

This image shows two of three figures in this sculpture.

Weaver poem.jpg
This image frames the top of the monument against the sky.

Weaver plaque.jpg
A plaque installed by the Town of South Kingstown in front of the Weaver, c. 2017

three scallop shells.jpg
Three scallop shells are shown carved in stone on the back of The Weaver. Caroline Hazard made frequent use of this symbol.
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