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Kind, devoted, and numerous friends (Hazard Diary 012)


Annual sum of Jos. Peace Hazards Personal expenses commencing with the first day of the year

(I find I commenced business as early as the year 1826 the manufacture of Linseys, on a very small scale--)

In this personal Expense account, I put down every article—or nearly so—and I may here say, I never spent a dollar for any purpose whatever, or in any manner, that I need object to a full and clean Notement of what it was for, and under what circumstances it was expended.

 Thank Heaven, my means have always been small, but I knew that the way to have, was never to waste – and that I have never been so poor, I could not give something—at least a little to the needy—and no one I know of has had kinder more devoted friends or numerous than myself—During a large portion of my life, I had no home, of my own, --but nevertheless, had fully half a dozen that were largely devoted to me, almost, as if they had been my own.

And in my old age when these friends are nearly all disappeared, the atmosphere in which I have my being, is luminous today, as was beautiful the devotion of those who made it so.

 When I was young, I used to think if I could speak half a dozen different languages, I would be too proud to speak to anybody.

Nevertheless, I can speak none other than English, being too indolent to trouble myself with the labor that is necessary for their acquirement. 

Having traveled in every quarter of the globe, a knowledge of languages would have been invaluable to me. I must have had unusual degree of facility in acquirement of languages, at least those of Europe, in as much as I readily acquired enough on the Road, to make my way without much difficulty.

I feel quite sure, however—if I had properly studied and acquired knowledge of the French and German languages, I would have acquired what I learned during these journeys abroad, not only far more easily, but also very much more.

Transcribed by Jessica Wilson